Wednesday, August 25, 2010

"The Pain Chronicles": The science of pain

This one is going on my 'to read' bookshelf. Most of my life has been molded by the ever-present pain of fibromyalgia. Years before doctors decided the syndrome needed a name, I was seeking help for it and being brushed off by doctor after doctor. That was an era when it took a lot of chutzpa to argue with a doctor, so I went through a lot of them! "The Pain Chronicles": The science of pain


  1. To say "I feel your pain", on the subject of fibromyalgia, would not be an overstatement. I have watched my mother battle this very debilitating disease for well over 20 years. My sister and I feel that we have, to some degree, lost her to the disease even though she is still with us. It is such that, after her many years of trying to qualify her pain to a multitude of doctors, she has found one who will not only listen but give her the ability through medication to live a life of "pain managment". This medication has robber her of her vitality, her amazing heart for people, and her zest for life. While I am not agianst pain medication, and I do believe you cannot judge anothers feelings unless you reside in their skin, I do believe there is a better way. My sister and I were also diagnosed with fibromyalgia about 7 years ago, we combat our symptoms with massage and exercise, medication is only taken as a last resort.

  2. Yes, for awhile I took many medications, especially in the couple years after meningoccocal meningitis. Over time I decided that just wasn't the way I wanted to 'live' so I weaned myself from all but one. Now I manage the pain in a variety of ways and have learned that if the body says "sleep" I must do it, even if it's 10 a.m. and I've only been up for 3 hours! :)
