Sunday, November 4, 2012

Orphan Sunday

While I'm usually more than willing to debate my political beliefs ... to the point of annoyance ... I rarely take on spiritual debates. This is because I am LDS, a Mormon, but there are so many I love who are another Christian faith, or Muslim, or Atheist, or spiritual in another way ... or live according to other principles. I love and do not want to offend those who believe things that are inherently unprovable, even as I do.

However, the political spills over into the spiritual now and then, so today I'm making an exception. There are children, very young, very vulnerable, very at risk children ... children *already born* ... who are in desperate need. Regardless of what one's stand on abortion or birth control or faith might be, these children are already alive and struggling to survive in this hostile world. THEY need help. And, if each of us sets aside for just a few moments our own ideological preferences, we could make a HUGE difference in these little lives.

You see, there are families who want to adopt these children "with special needs" ... these children who have been literally thrown away in their home countries. Yes, these anxious and willing families may not share your views on faith; I know their views are different from mine. But I also know that their faith informs their lives in ways I cannot imagine. Because of their faith, they are willing to take on challenges that would cause me to wilt.

So how can people who care but cannot do what these families are willing to do help them? How can YOU and I help a tiny child to find a loving family ... to find a way out of an orphanage where care and comfort are minimal at best? Simple: We can donate whatever we can afford (or maybe a bit more than we *think* we can afford) to help fund the horrendous cost of this type of adoption. Even committing to donating the equivalent of one trip to Starbucks could make it possible for a family to bring home the child it already loves.

Here are some links. The first is a personal story. The second is to the organization committed to helping each child find its family. The third is another organization committed to relieving the suffering of orphans.

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