This blog started originally as a place where I intended to add to information provided to my students. I thought it would focus mostly on school and composition and writing strategies, but that didn't end up being very satisfying to me. After all, I was creating written lectures and a web site devoted to the needs of each course I taught.
Then I thought it might function as a bit of a journal, a place where I would write about my life. That wasn't very satisfying, either. Maybe because I don't have a life that's all that interesting. I cook, clean, shop, prep, teach, go to the cabin with my hubby, play with our dogs. It's a good life; it's just not very exciting.
Maybe those are the reasons I don't write in my blog very often. Maybe I'm just lazy. Anyway, I'm thinking a better use of this space would be for my personal rants and raves. There are a few of those sorts of posts that found their way here already. I'm thinking now that I will go back through my FB timeline to cull ideas worth expanding. If it works, what I have in mind is taking my rant or rave, doing the appropriate research, and then writing an article that either supports or refutes my original position.
I wouldn't hold my breath, though, as I tend to be a maximum slacker. :)