From "Etiquette Hell" a post that eloquently expresses how I've felt about bin Laden's death:
With the recent news that US Navy Seals have killed 9/11 mastermind and Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden comes the inevitable reaction of some who would dance, literally if they could, on the grave of a dead man. On the Ehell forum, the decision was made by the moderators to block or delete threads in which people gleefully rejoiced of death.
We should carefully ponder our reactions to the death of any one, including the wicked and evil. The decision to mete out earthly retribution should be entered into with soberness, solemnity and calm befitting a choice to see justice served. Otherwise the taking of life becomes trivialized and we are no more civilized than the beasts who wantonly kill the innocent they view as worthlessly expendable. Nor do we want to rejoice at death lest we show ourselves to be no better than the savages who hung the burnt bodies of US contractors from street lights and danced in joy. No, I think we are much better than that.
I recently read the following on a Facebook status and it reflects my perspective:
“At this report of earthly justice, I am more sobered than celebratory. I pray that this moment will cause us all to treasure life and freedom, without honoring or affirming vengefulness or bloodlust. And please do not take pleasure in anyone’s entrance into hell or forget the mountain of mercy that we have received.” Don Shorey
Bin Laden was an evil man, he needed to be stopped and held accountable for his genocide. I won’t weep for him but I will soberly reflect in thankfulness that he can no longer lead others into evil and be grateful for the peace and safety and freedoms we enjoy.